Michael Parkes Author

Scroll down for information on both published and upcoming books by the author Michael Parkes, his various author interviews and guest posts, his about section, and more! His contact information is at the bottom of the webpage. His books are available for purchase through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and various other retailers with signed copies available upon request via email. Click the social icons below to follow him on his social media accounts or to buy his books on Amazon!

About the Author/Contact Information:

Michael Parkes is a Canadian university student and author. He has written two books so far: Cheryl, a novel, and Gnomes and Knights, a short story collection. Both of his books are available on Kindle, including Kindle Unlimited, and as both paperback and hardcover on Amazon. Both books can also be purchased paperback through various other retailers.

Outside of writing, Michael is a graduate of Saint Lawrence College and currently a student at Nipissing University studying for his Honours Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting. Michael also occasionally paints, enjoys hiking and nature, and has dabbled in freelancing. Follow his social media accounts to learn more about him or his books!

His current work-in-progress manuscript is a horror novel loosely based on Sherman Ranch which focuses upon an isolated and very religious family on a remote farm. Currently, it’s likely to be in the genre of existential/cosmic horror when completed. It’ll be great for people who love horror novels once it’s finished!

Cheryl is a thriller/crime novel and tragic comedy. A story of addictions and chaos, it takes place following the sudden death of the protagonist’s eldest daughter. It’s perfect if you like dark humour, don’t mind harsh language, and are interested in thriller novels or books that tackle heavy subjects. Follow Cheryl, her family, along with the reader favourite, and author favourite, Matilda, as she navigates her grief, the politics of suburbia, and confronts head-on what caused her daughter to leap off that balcony…

Gnomes and Knights is an adorable and whimsical collection of short stories with 10 rhyming stories and a (non-rhyming) fairy tale. Great for kids and elementary school teachers, it would also appeal to anyone who likes rhyming stories, fantasy tales, easy reads, or bedtime stories. Fredrick Jerome Kopillus Gnome and the various garden creatures he is friends with all star in adorable rhyming stories to captivate and delight any reader. Nathan the Knight, the main character of the second half of the book, overcomes adversity and obstacles using his wits and charisma rather than his sword and shield. Through gathering allies, they all eventually make their way to the lair of the evil plaguing the land, only to find that evil wasn’t at all what they were expecting.

To read an in-depth and spoiler-free review of Cheryl, check out Heidi Grant Bader’s book blog post above. To learn more about Michael and the story behind his books, click the links above that lead to his author interviews. A huge thanks to Heidi Grant Bader and Aleesha Thomas for creating some of the aforementioned posts as well as reviewing Cheryl! As well, a big thanks to Christine Schulz and Shaun Fitzgerald for welcoming Michael as a guest author on their blogs.

Signed copies of Michael’s books are available upon request via email. This requires prepayment via PayPal and shipping costs vary depending on the country of destination. Also, PDF review copies of both Cheryl as well as Gnomes and Knights are available on Indie Story Geek.

Michael posts daily on his Facebook page, Instagram account, and on Twitter/X. He also occasionally posts on his Goodreads blog or uploads a video to his TikTok and/or YouTube accounts. As well, he has profiles on AllAuthor and Indie Story Geek. Feel free to follow him on social media, though to get in touch with him directly, his author email works best. He can be reached through the contact form on his AllAuthor account and will email back a response to you within a week. His author email address is also available on his Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok accounts as well as on his YouTube channel.

Michael Parkes Books